We start, of all places, on Main Street, with the icy blue Sleeping Beauty Castle shining above the heads of the crowd. It was quite crowded, even though Southern California AP holders were blocked out. No matter, we were there to see the Park, not ride many attractions. There was a crowd around the Christmas tree on Main Street, near where this photograph was taken. The holiday music and sparkling lights had their desired and expected effect. To quote Paul McCartney: "Simply. Having. A wonderful Christmas time!"

The lights went down and the show began. It was really well done, as you would expect.
But something else happened. As we stood there watching the glittering fireworks sprinkle against the black night sky and bounced to the holiday music of the show, we felt it.
I held my youngest daughter up so she could see, her small body nestling in my arms. My older daughter and her mom were beside us, along with our friends. The crowd was full of parents and children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, couples and acquaintances.
As the music died and the last flickers of glowing fireworks drifted down out of the sky, we felt the electric tingle of, what's the word I'm looking for?---magic. The kind that starts at your feet and rises up like a flood of water in a basement. The goosebumpy kind. The can't-quite-put-your-finger-on-it, but you know it's there, variety. It takes you by surprise, like an unexpected kiss from a first love. Especially when you are a veteran. Someone who feels they've "been there, done that." Not the type to buy into sappiness. Nope. You think you're immune. Over it. Cool, calm, collected. A smooth operator.
But it swells around you nonetheless. It starts in the silence as the cheers die off. The lights are out and the "snow" machines start to make their hissing noises above you. The eyes of everyone around you---even your own---look skyward. A hum of anticipation resounds in the crowd like an echo or the proverbial rings in pond.
The blue lights come up and there against the clear black sky are tiny clumps of soapy bubbles, your logical brain informs you. But the people there will have no such logic get in their way. As the familiar strains of White Christmas gently caress you, and as the "snow" machines kick into high gear, you eyes begin to truly see.
The children reach up and lift their faces skyward. The parents, too. Against the black sky and sparkling under the show lights, what at first were just dumb old soap bubble clumps have now morphed into flakes of drifting snow.
Time slows.
The moment overtakes us. A silence, a joy, folds over everyone like a blanket.
Standing together in the crowd, it seems as if each person is alive to the "first snowfall" of the season. The music lulls and the flakes drift and the faces glow. Kids become gleeful and adults seem to bask in it---reentering their own youthful selves in the moment, without even trying.
Dropping my youngest to the ground so she can stretch her arms and dance in the snow, I see my wife. Her eyes are rimmed with tears as she takes in the scene. So are the eyes of her best friend, standing near her. This is real joy, heart bursting love. It is togetherness, family, peace, anticipation, excitement and tingly "magic," all happening at once.
We never saw it coming.
I felt the emotion welling in me, as though it were riding the cresting wave that had begun rising somewhere around my feet but had now fully engulfed my chest. I saw my wife, my daughters, my friends, my fellow guests---all of us---caught up in this instant, happily playing in the "snow."
As the music died and the machines clicked off, the last flakes floated out of the air. The electric moment passed like a supremely satisfied sigh. We adults looked at each other. Shocked and a bit taken aback by what had just occurred. Hadn't we done this a hundred times before? What in heaven was THAT?! And we smiled with satisfaction. My wife and her friend dabbed at the corners of their eyes. A bunch of old salty Disney professionals had been hit by wonder. Smack dab in the middle of Small World Way!
Go figure.
It may be a bit early, but here's wishing you all a very, merry Christmas!
WONDERFUL post!!!!
Oh the fireworks. The most magical moment of my Disney nights. Even with the "wishes" fireworks display, I tear up at Julie Andrew's words. I can't wait to go to Disneyland for the holidays for the first time soon! I hope your taking your daughters to see tangled in theaters soon, I'm going to see it on Thanksgiving, even though its in CGI it looks like a truly Disney film. I can't wait. I'm glad you sat at Small World, thats my favorite place to watch the fireworks from, not too many people, and a great view. Fantastic.
Happy Holidays Mike!
Good work Mike.
I often have that feeling you describe at Disneyland. It is not subject to analysis, and it is a good thing that it still happens, in spite of the polish put on by the new management. That emotion transcends polish and refinement.
Thanks for sharing this.
I had to come back and read this AGAIN! Mike, you have looked in our hearts and put into words what I've struggled to explain to people. I believe in Disney magic. I really do.
Start working on that novel. And Happy Holidays to all.
Man, thank you, Mike. You have such a gift for this. You brought me right back to my own feelings of overwhelming awe and joy that I've had under the falling "snow" at Disneyland. I'm actually Jewish, but my birthday is on Christmas day, so I've spent many a December 25 at the park since I was a child. Last year I got to share this winter wonderland with my girlfriend for the first time, and we both were filled with a sense of togetherness, love, and peace. It's amazing what a little soap can do! :)
This still happens to me sometimes, too. I saw the firework show on Saturday and felt the same--here it comes--magic. That's why we keep coming back.
Oh my gosh the same thing happens to me every year! My husband (15 years working DL) and son (6 y/o) couldn't care less about the fireworks, including during Christmastime. But I have to see it at least once, and they humor me. And I'll be darned if I don't tear up every year when Son plays in the "snow".
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