Let's close out August 2008 with a look at things at Disneyland in the summer of 1984. The Disneyland Line was the cast member newsletter published by the Park. It was a small magazine and always had neat little articles about people and events at Disneyland.
I enjoyed looking at the classifieds in the page posted above and seeing a slice of life in 1984.
You could pick up an Atari 2600 video game (with joysticks!) for $125. Not quite an "X-Box 360," but it would do in a pinch. There were quite a few VW bugs (or as my daughter calls them: "Herbie Cars!") for sale. Seemed to be the official car of Disney employees. Most of the vehicles were 1970s vintage. I should've picked up a couple back then and held onto them!
As for real estate, you could have moved yourself into a 4-bedroom home in Chino for $93,000 back in 1984.
Come to think of it, I think that's pretty close to the asking price for a home in Chino TODAY!
The more things change...