Saturday, September 11, 2010

Disneyland - Back Stage Peek II - Wardrobe and Admin

The next time you jump aboard the Monorail for a trip into the Park from the Disney Walk station, grab a seat on the left side of the train and keep your eyes peeled after you pass the main entrance.

As the Monorail turns to the left approaching Harbor Boulevard, look to your left, and slightly back, and you will see a large, green building---this is the Wardrobe building where Cast Members get issued their costumes.

You will also see the front of the old Administration building. It is painted kind of a custard yellow and is fairly nondescript. Part of it is shown at the right side of the photograph. You can clearly see this area from the Monorail.

You can also see the new "Harbor House" entrance for Cast Members as you cross over this area by Monorail. Here is how it looks from the ground---see the Monorail track I'm talking about?

Okay, and for our final view today, the famous Jungle break area and boat storage---which you can see if you are sent as a guest down the back side of Main Street (on the west side) during a heavy traffic day and after a big parade.

They march you right through the doors to the right of the Candy Palace. Here's what they look like on the other side---along with a slightly too cool Jungle skipper in Maui Jim's.

That's enough for today!

As "Little Leota" would say,

"Hurry baaaa-aack."

"Hurry baaaa-aaack."
