Monday, October 6, 2008

Disneyland - Cast Member Photos - Autopia, Old and New

Today's post is, thankfully, brief. We explore anew the unique (unpaid) benefits of being a Disneyland cast member.

Working there is great because:

A. There's always plenty to drink.

B. Sometimes you get to DRIVE! (Or at least help a dead guy to steer). [Thanks to Bruce Nelson and "Molly" for originally supplying this picture].

C. You get paid HUGE, PILES OF MONEY (or at least get to stand by a dead guy in a pile of loot). [Thanks to Bruce Nelson for originally supplying this picture].

D. The Autopia cars are just so darn colorful---what's not too love!

Oops. Sorry, they got rid of the colorful ones on the right (from 1984)...and replaced them with...

