Sam heard them.
So did the Village People.
The leader of the Lost Expedition could sense it, looking down from high on his precarious perch.
Even a motley few sober and keen-eyed skippers (a truly rare breed) clued in.
Something is afoot.
Something's up.
There's something new in the wilds of Adventureland.
You can feel it when the birds and insects along the river suddenly silence their song.
When distant drums cease.
When the Amazon Belle lurches into idle and skulks along with the current.
When the crocodiles rise up to the surface and stare with glassy eyes.
When gazelles flick their ears and pivot their heads, searchingly sniffing the air for unseen approaching danger.
When the very breeze through the bamboo holds itself like a breath.
Guys, guys.
It's just me in a T-shirt!
Of course, it's a totally awesome, uniquely designed, very rare and exclusive T-shirt.
One, I might add, that only a select few may actually possess.
Woven of fine cotton by skilled native hands, this article of clothing is more like a second skin than merely a shirt.
Moreover, it is a status symbol here in the Jungle---or wherever it's worn, for that matter.
It says: "I'm an insider. I'm hip to the jungle scene."
It gives a wink to other insiders---we know who we are---while still sending a discernible message to the uninformed, the uninitiated.
Like all great art, it inspires and stirs within the viewer a call toward something larger than oneself; something ethereal, beautiful.
It calls attention to deep symbolism in the front, while announcing your allegiance to Jungle is "101" in the back.
And, it comes in variety of sizes and colors.
It is...
The Shirt.
Native tribal drum roll please...

And here is the back of the shirt.

Hey, you try silkscreening in 110% humidity, much less processing high quality color stills of T-shirts!
Lands' End we are not.
We're more "Humanity's End" or "Wits End," Sam says.
I know what I want for Christmas this year! Plus the front is just Awesome!
If it's $9.99-$14.99 (including shipping) maybe we can talk.
HA! Start checking your inbox!
OK it it just me??? I click and click but can't send an email. Maybe you could email me, pretty please? I want a shirt!
When you click on the "What the heck is this blog about" link, you have to go into it and scroll down. There at the bottom, near the photo of yours truly, is my e-mail address.
Of course, I could just tell you here.
My e-mail address is:
Let me know what size and color you would like. I'm trying to keep the cost to under $20.00 (with shipping).
Thanks, as always, for stopping by!
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