Let's roll up those Kimbies, strap on those towels, pocket up some park guidebooks, grab a pan(a metal one, of course---not those atrocious plastic things of today; and preferably personalized with one's name or a nickname in permanent marker) and broom, head to the area locker and pray for no "Code V" call in any of your attraction lines.
Throwing some names out from memory, pardon the spelling and don't feel slighted if you've been left out---it's been 24 years!
Kevin Gallaway (took me spelunking in the Amboy crater lava tubes---awesome!)
Curt Visca (later of "Curtoons" fame and local TV in Orange County---always wore Ray Bans)
Beth Nichols (spoke French, great sense of humor!)
Michelle Garden ("Shelly!" A completely nice person)
Mary Luetto (Always smiling!)
Jerry Lofquist (his pan was labeled "J.Lofty III" in 1984)
Blake Ingram (tallest sweeper you'll probably ever see; very funny guy)
Chris Christensen (had the Ray Bans, too; good buddy of Blake's)
Andy Arko (my pal; remember softball games?)
John Toth (best Pee Wee Herman impersonator in the Inn Between)
Eric Grubb (Main Street trash record setter---along with yours truly)
Ranger Dave Fraser (Main Street lead during my summer closing shift)
Jackie Lacey (Dave's gal from Adv./Frontier attractions)
Helmuth Sunrise (or as old "Arthur" used to ask for him: "Where's Yomo? He's off, he's off.")
Don Dishner (Over the Line afficionado)
Debbie Gagne (funny!)
Dana Ohanesian (leader of the "Disney Explorers Club"---who put that cone on Abe's head?)
Andy Garcia
Harry Hemhausen (lead, old school)
Larry "Colonel" Snow (reservist, elder statesman of West Side sweepers)
Bernie Esposito ("He's Bernie Esposito, we sweepers think he's "neato" (sung to "If I only Had A Brain from Wizard of Oz)"---that's why I remember his name)
Stacey Booth
Kim Carrow
Mike Kelly (uh, that's me)
I'm sure there's plenty more, but those names seemed to have stuck!
Thanks for those great lunches at the Inn Between (how did most of Day Custodial end up with lunch at the same time? Hmm.) We laughed, we cried, we rafted the American River (above Sacramento---not the Rivers of America in Frontierland), we raced canoes (ok, that was in the Rivers of America), we engaged in backstage water fights, drove the main street trash truck a little too fast when trying to dump "Main Gate," mastered the cigarette butt between the legs and into the pan, and still somehow made sure that our flower beds were done before Night Crew came on.
Go Sweepers!
For kicks, here is a photograph I found of Kevin Gallaway on a "former cast member" site---taken just outside the Village Haus in Fantasyland, it appears!

What a blast from the past, MK! Thanks for the mention (although it was J. Lofty 3). Seriously, you remember so much from those great summers at the Park. I love the 336 work schedule you posted!
Jerry! Great to hear from you! Drop me an email at "mikekelly@mskellylaw.com". Need to get your contact info to say a quick hello and catch up on things. You don't happen to have any photos from our days as sweepers? Rafting trips? Palm Springs? Photos from the park? Would love to have them and post them here!
I made a typo, because I remember your pan as "J. Lofty III" (I left out an "I"---Doh!). Anyway, I hope all is well and am glad you stumbled upon my little corner of the internet!
Thanks for having this website. Great memories! I can't believe all of the names from the past. What is everyone doing these days? Yes, the shades. My e-mail is curt@curtoon.com if anyone would like to contact me to catch up! I'll see if I can dig up some old photos. On my last day at Disneyland, I took a lot of photos backstage and some funny ones in various Fantasyland rides. Remember former sweeper Dan Horgan? I ran into him about 4 years ago. What about Tim Duralde, a former sweeper? He is also a good buddy of mine. What about sweeper Lane Smith? He ended up illustrating album covers (Oingo Boingo, etc.), books (James and the Giant Peach), and inspiring the Nightmare Before Christmas. Once in a while I have a nightmare that I need to sweep at Disneyland and can't get out of the shift. It's a 2 bagger! Remember the sweeper whistle? Grad nights? The Banana Ball? Best of all, I ended up going out with a Disney tour guide and married her back in 1989. We are still happily married and have three kids. Time to go!
Thanks for stopping by! Please email me any pictures you are able to dig up. I'd love to post them here! I hope all is well with you.
I raise a toast to you and all my old friends! Recently Jerry Lofquist and I were able to reconnect. We met for lunch and talked about old times and where we've been since our days at Disneyland. Those were definitely great times!
Funny you should mention the Sweeper's Whistle. I still use it to get my family's attention when we're in a crowd. Clearly it has gone out of vogue at Disneyland, because all my attempts at it during the past several years have not elicited even a hint of a response from a sweeper. Too bad. Maybe they just rely on cell phones now!
It is also sad to see that the old metal pans have been replace with those bulky plastic ones like you see in a hotel. How can anyone sweeper with one of those?? I remember mine had a razor sharp lip that could even scrape gum off the pavement!
Keep up the good work, Curt!
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