Monday, February 13, 2012

Disneyland - Jolly Holiday - Photos From Last Thursday's Visit

Today we pop by the Park for a view of some updated locations and an out of the way pathway.
We begin at the new Jolly Holiday food service location on Main Street.
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These plucky fellows adorn the main windows. "Order what you will, there'll be no's com-pli-men-ta-reee!"
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Here is the interior:

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A view of the front porch, looking out onto the Plaza and Hub:
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"I'd know that 'sill-you-wet' anywhere...Mary Poppins!"
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Further down Main Street we see there is still construction at the Carnation Cafe and Blue Ribbon Bakery:
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And an out of the way locale on the far western edge of the Park in the area now known as Critter Country. Below we see a walkway under the Hungry Bear Restaurant and its back stairway, which are falling into decay it appears. No one seems to use the back porch seating upstairs either.
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A view of the Rivers of America from this path under the Hungry Bear.
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The Matterhorn is getting a facelift. The picture below seems to be missing a Skyway, no?
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Trust me, the old Fantasyland Skyway station is still up there, waiting:
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And the archway below leads from Snow White's Grotto to Fantasyland (and vice versa).
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More Matterhorn rehab (as seen from the Hub)...
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Finally, we will close with a view of Main Street on a crystal clear day (last Thursday), with its flowers aglow.
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I hope you've enjoyed today's slices from around the Park. Many happy returns to each of you!



  1. What a wonderful photo tour. Thanks so much for sharing.

    You're certainly whetting my appetite for my trip. Only 6 weeks to go and counting. I think I'm more excited than the kids, but their energy level is revving up as well.

    I hope a few more construction projects finish before the end of March, but even with a little scaffolding, I can't wait to be back at the Happiest Place on Earth!

  2. That Hungry Bear seating area was one of my favorite spots to visit for a bit of refuge from the Disneyland crowds. Sad to see it so unused.

    Is the Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe at the old Plaza Pavilion location?

  3. Also that back area of Hungry Bear was a great place to spend some of my break time while working the canoes. Others used it too.

  4. I've heard that the area behind the Hungry Bear is one of the feral cats' favorite hangouts.

  5. Oh my! I never thought to look for the Fantasyland Skyway building. Nor had I ever really paid attention to the area near Hungry Bears...I guess that's what I get for never going past Haunted Mansion...

    So pleased I found your blog! Highly entertaining!



Thanks for posting. Now please exit the boat the same way you came in---pushing, shoving and clawing at those around you. Enjoy the rest of your day here in this magical and wonderful place that we at the World Famous Jungle Cruise like to call..."Work."