Monday, August 23, 2010

Dinseyland - A Few Favorite Spots for Taking a Break

There are plenty of places around the Park to enjoy some quiet relaxation, set apart from the maddening crowd.
I offer three for your consideration.

First: Thunder Trail.

Located between the exit of Big Thunder and the entrance to Thunder Ranch BBQ, this area is usually quite peaceful most any time of day, no matter the number of folks inside the Park.
The quietude is routinely interrupted by the screeching trains of Big Thunder and the spirited call of coyotes, but the ambiance is tranquil nonetheless.
Go ahead. Lean against the wood railing along the little lake.
Gaze up at the old tunnel across the lake where the little mine trains of Rainbow Ridge headed out for a tour of Rainbow Caverns and Nature's Wonderland.
Sit on a bench and watch Big Thunder's trains come around the final turn into Dinosaur Gap.
Watch the Mark Twain round the bend, bell ringing and steam whistle announcing its arrival at the Frontier Landing.
Enjoy some shade (and some personal space!).

Next: Carnation Plaza Gardens.

You can still grab an umbrella table here, tucked up near the western wall of Sleeping Beauty's Castle.
If there is no performance occurring on the Plaza Gardens stage, this area usually has plenty of seats, peace and quiet.
Of course, you'll have to truck in your own food and drink, since there is no longer a food service location at Plaza Gardens.
But you can get a cushioned seat in the shade, without a very large crowd crushing in on you.
You can gaze out at the Castle or up at the Matterhorn, or across the wooden bridge to the Hub. If you need a restroom, there's one just inside the access tunnel that leads to Rancho de Zocalo Restaurant.
Put your feet up.
If you listen carefully, you can hear Snow White singing from her wishing well to the east.
It's also hard to miss Harold's roars emanating from the icy tunnels of the Matterhorn.

Third: Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.

Had it?
Head to the Main Street Opera House and the air conditioned comfort of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln and the Disneyland exhibit in the front lobby.
The show itself is well done and timeless.
But there is also seating in the nice, cool lobby area and several great exhibits to look at, including a Disney art gallery where you will see some of Kevin Kidney's work on display currently.
Indeed, even if you choose to forego a visit with the Great Emancipator, your time in the lobby will be well worth it.
You can also meander next door to the Mad Hatter and try on some goofy hats or mouse ears.
Once you've cooled down a bit and relaxed, you can stride back out into Town Square and renew your journey through the (original) Magic Kingdom.

Stay refreshed, my friends!



  1. I'm taking notes! (...scribbling furiously...)


    actually, we found the Big Thunder location by accident on the last trip, it was great except for the vivid odor of McFries from the Conestoga stand.

    Now that's gone, this should improve.

    Wasn't there a smoking area near this too?

  2. As far as I know there is(used to be?) a smoking area just before the "bridge" and before thunder mountain.

    P.S. I love this blog.

  3. JG and Anon:

    There is a smoking area at the backside of Thunder Mountain, just past the bridge and on your right as you head toward Fantasyland.

    No tears were shed by this skipper when the McDonald's wagon exited the premises.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. I think back to the days of when I was operating the mine train. I think I'd feel a bit saddened to see the change. And older.


Thanks for posting. Now please exit the boat the same way you came in---pushing, shoving and clawing at those around you. Enjoy the rest of your day here in this magical and wonderful place that we at the World Famous Jungle Cruise like to call..."Work."