Monday, September 15, 2008

"Jungle Is 101" An Official "Blog of Note"

I thought my "Site Meter" was broken. What's going on?

Then I saw that "Jungle is 101" has been identified as a "Blog of Note," by our friends at Blogger (thanks, Pete!).

I am humbled and appreciative. Hope I can think of something to write!

For those who may be stopping by for the first time, this is a Disneyland site for folks who remember a different era at the Park. If the title of the blog is confusing, here's the answer: In Disneyland cast member lingo, "101" means that a ride or attraction has broken down. I used to work the Jungle Cruise and when the attraction broke down it meant, for most of the operators, an extended break.

I'll try to keep this blog from "going 101," as we move forward. Thanks for stopping by! The attraction should be back up in about oh, half an hour....


  1. Very interesting blog! I've added it to my subscription list.

  2. haha I used to go to Disneyland in the 1980's, but I was a baby! Or maybe it was Disney World?? ...whichever one is in Florida, lol.

  3. I know this is probably mentioned somewhere on this site, but is it true that there's a place where one can purchase alcohol at Disneyland? I heard it was called "Club 51" or something to that effect, and it was located around the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Please let me know either way!

    This is a cool blog, I must admit!

  4. Thanks! We'll try and keep it worth reading.

    Katie: Ok. I'm old. Walt Disney World is in Florida, but we still love it here at Jungle, even though Disneyland is the best!

    Chris: "Club 33" next door to the "Blue Bayou" is the private club within Disneyland where one can enjoy a dirty martini and a fabulous meal before going back out into the Park and conquering Big Thunder. I have a link to a great site over on the ride sidebar ("Disneyland Club 33"). Check it out!

    Thank you all for stopping by and for the kind words! Have a great day!

  5. Great blog, some of these pics are classic! No, I wouldn't trust these men to lead me into the heart of darkness. The horror, the horror!!!!

  6. I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.

    Smells like...


  7. I love Disneyland through and through. Thanks for a great blog!

  8. Wow, this makes me nostalgic. Unfortunately, I've never been to Disney Land, but Disney World is a frequent vacation site for my family and friends. Luckily, the Jungle Cruise ride there is still up. It remains one of my favorites. "Yes, kids, just 4 years for a English degree and you too could be a jungle skipper"--I was an English major at the time :-)

  9. Ben,

    Feel free to stop by. If you scroll through the blog you'll find I am not afraid to post about that Park back east, either (we were there in June of this year for 9 days!).

    All Disney fans, former cast members and people with or without surnames are welcome here!

  10. I think we're gonna need an alternative universe now that our economic system is deciding to collapse.

    Hey, Lehman! You've just failed, what're gonna do now?

    I'm going to Disneyland!!

    P.S. Find "Dada's" version of "I'm Going to Diz Knee Land" on the web and take a listen!

  11. I think Rod Miller needs a new wardrobe consultant.

  12. Congrats on being a blog of note. I love Disneyworld but never been to Disneyland. I hope to take my son there soon though as my husband has fond memories of disneyland.

  13. Congrats on being a Blog of Note :)

  14. wow, what an interesting and nostalgic blog of disneyland!! keep up the good work! and congrats on being a "blog of note"!

  15. I rarely click on Blogs of Note because the tend to be...I dunno...either boring or they just seem a little snooty kaboots or off-putting..I don't know what it is. And I actually didn't really think this click would bring me any joy since "Jungle is '101'" hardly sounds interesting to a gal like me who does not mesh well with nature. But I am so glad I did! Because I am Disneyland obsessed, and The World Famous Jungle Cruise is definitely on my Top 5 list of awesomeness to be found at Disneyland. Yay for Blogs of Note! I found me a keeper!

  16. Congrats for being the best blog of the day..i m sure ur blog wont go 101 and will remain 100% interesting.

  17. Congrats!! This brings back a few childhood memories. How about Mr. Toads wild adventure?

  18. Congratulations!

    Your language is up to pair, this is something what I can appreciate!

    Mina Jade

  19. Congratulations on your noteworthiness! Never been to Disneyland myself so I can't really relate, but it looks like a great blog you've got here.

  20. I love Disneyland!!!

  21. Hi there!
    In the late 1970's and also somewhere in the early 90's I've been to Disneyland.
    I also share your feeling that in the early days Disneyland was more special than it is nowadays.
    The pictures that my parents have taken I will treasure forever.

    Good blog!

  22. congratulations to you for being one of the Blogs of note.:D

  23. Glad you made it to the "blogs of note" because that's how I found you. I'm a Disney lover and have been forever....between finances and family, it's hard to get to a Disney park as often as I'd like, but my average right now is to get there every ~2 years. We took the kids to Disneyland this past spring and are hoping for Disney World in 2010.

    Thanks for managing such an awesome blog. I love all the stories. :) Very cool

  24. Lissa10:

    A thousand blessings upon you. I treasure all four of my happy readers! I'll keep digging for new gems to share---like a forgotten dwarf in a far-off diamond mine or an old prospector up on Big Thunder Mountain.

    Feel free to visit any time.


    This is as good a place as any for a "virtual" Disneyland experience. I am happy to oblige!

    To All who come to this happy place:
    "Jungle is 101" is for you as much as for me.
    Here age relieves fond memories of the past and youth can savor the challenge and promise of the future.
    "Jungle is 101" is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created Disneyland---with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to each of the four people who follow this blog.

  25. Awesome blog! Congratulations!
    Reading your blog makes me leave my notebook smilin big one =D
    Sumtimes..when we grow older we tend to forget to enjoy life like we use to when we were kids..but surely Disneyland bring back those happy times to us! And when u can't afford to go to Disneyland every now and then..we can go to this blog- Jungle is "101"! Yay! =)Thanks Mike!

  26. Great blog, some of these pics are classic!


    Recently I went to the entrance of HongKong Disneyland , we were very happy though we just snapped some group pictures only (did not enter the park) at the gate, and later proceed to another place via the MTR train. Happy Holiday in Hong Kong.

    Healthy Wealth blog at


Thanks for posting. Now please exit the boat the same way you came in---pushing, shoving and clawing at those around you. Enjoy the rest of your day here in this magical and wonderful place that we at the World Famous Jungle Cruise like to call..."Work."