Saturday, September 6, 2008

Disneyland Jungle Cruise - Would You Trust These Men To Take You Into The Heart Of Darkness?

In the "a-picture-says-a-thousand-words" category, I offer you, dear readers, the above (with heartfelt thanks to Phil Seymour). This scene of the wildlife on the African Veldt comes beaming back to us from the late 1970s.

No, this is not the cast from "M*A*S*H" on sabbatical at Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom.

Nor is it a National Geographic photograph of the No-undi people of the Congo (lovely tribe, the No-Undies).

Nope. This is just photographic proof that we jungle skippers are a breed apart.

Far apart.

Just-barely-in-the-same-species apart.

To think, these men were trusted with the lives of boatfuls of guests on a daily basis.

"Now turn around and wave goodbye to the folks on the dock (make it look like you're having fun)---you'll never see them again!"


  1. xxbored-brilliantxx,

    Sorry for the confusion...I tend to generate that in most readers (except Mom, who understands me). The photo shows you jungle skippers from back in the day and it alone should give you pause, especially considering the fact that these guys drove boatloads of guests around the jungle. That's what we were trying to get at it here. If it caused was purely unintentional (and coincidentally is a symptom of tse-tse fly-induced fever, so you may want to have the old doc check it out to be safe).



Thanks for posting. Now please exit the boat the same way you came in---pushing, shoving and clawing at those around you. Enjoy the rest of your day here in this magical and wonderful place that we at the World Famous Jungle Cruise like to call..."Work."