Friday, July 25, 2008

Disneyland Cast Members 1987 - Outdoor Vending Yellows; The Disney Look

An earlier poster, "Yellows," from Outdoor Vending ("ODV" for you few Disneyphiles who might be out of this loop) recalled her costume and this made me run and dig up my 1987 version of "The Disney Look," the Cast Member manual that set out Disney's expectations for maintaining your costume and appearance while On Stage. The young woman in the photograph above represents not only "The Disney Look," but also demonstrates the yellow costume worn by ODV types in the 1980s and earlier. It is clear that this shot was taken in or near Matterhorn Alley, just east of the Hub (the benches in the background give it away---as well as the fact that most balloon vendors were stationed near the Hub and, of course, Town Square, when they were on Main Street). The Yellows were often the subject of moaning and ridicule by Cast Members who wore them, but, looking back, those costumes were bright and friendly and tres Disney. I dare say that the polo shirt was a bit more comfortable than the thin, starchy custodial whites. On the other hand, Day Custodial's white cotton pants were quite comfortable and forgiving come July and August, I must say. My next post will be an upload of the 1987 "Disney Look," for those who did not have the good fortune to attend the Disney University back then (and for those who DID but forgot to keep their New Cast Member materials!).


  1. we still have a set of these framed in our office...

  2. Yellows always were preferable to Bear Country or Frontierland costumes. The best part of wearing Yellows was the awesome gnat collection you could sport during the Spring and Summer months.

  3. We called them "banana suits" after one guest said a particular lead looked like a banana! They were comfortable, but I liked working Main Street since we wore the same outfits as Main Street merchandising. I only worked Bear Country a few times and that costume included back woodsy boots!


Thanks for posting. Now please exit the boat the same way you came in---pushing, shoving and clawing at those around you. Enjoy the rest of your day here in this magical and wonderful place that we at the World Famous Jungle Cruise like to call..."Work."